Toothbrush - everything you need to know about it

The toothbrush - everything you need to know about it How often should you replace your toothbrush?ów?

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We throw away out-of-date food, check the expiry date of cosmetics and medicines, but when it comes to our toothbrush we don't usually pay that much attention. However, there are important rules and guidelines to follow.

When should you replace your toothbrush?

Most dentists and dental associations around the world recommend replacing your toothbrush every three months. Over time, toothbrushes wear out and become less effective at removing plaque from teeth and gums. Studies have shown that most toothbrushes experience bristle wear and loss of effectiveness after about 3 months.

Another issue is that germs, fungi and bacteria can develop and accumulate in the bristles of a toothbrush. After each use, rinse and dry your toothbrush thoroughly in an upright position, storing it uncovered away from other toothbrushes in use. When travelling, remember to cover the head of your toothbrush to protect it and reduce the spread of germs.

Save the date in your calendar

The best way to remember to change your toothbrushes regularly is to write down the date three months from when you start using a new toothbrush on your calendar, e.g. on your phone. If you do not do this and completely fail to remember how much time has passed, it is worth noting the condition of the toothbrush head - whether the bristles are worn, frayed and especially whether you can see dark changes in colour, which may be a sign of mould developing.

After an illness - replace your toothbrush!

And one more important thing. If you have been ill recently it is worth replacing your toothbrush, even if it is in good working condition. Bacteria and viruses may have remained on the bristles, it's not worth the risk, it's better to buy a new uninfected toothbrush.

What if I don't replace my toothbrush often enough

If knowing that bacteria and fungi are building up on the bristles of your toothbrush is not reason enough to replace your toothbrush more often, there is another unpleasant issue. This is the possibility of mechanical damage to the gums. Old toothbrushes become ineffective at removing plaque, which causes us to press down harder and scrub our teeth while brushing. As a result, we can end up with irritation, bacteria entry and gingivitis. So, how long have you been using your toothbrush? Time to buy a new one?

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