Who needs a dental check-up and when? At our Awodent clinic, we know that often the very busy schedules of our daily routines cause us to postpone regular dental check-ups. Sometimes patients come to us who have been so busy at work that they have been able to put up with gum and tooth discomfort for months. Painkillers can postpone a dental appointment, but it should not be postponed until too late. Here are some of the warning signs in people who should make a check-up visit pretty soon.
Gum recession
Retreating gums, or what is known as an exposure of the necks of the teeth, can usually start to occur with age. However, this can also happen to younger people who have periodontitis. When the gums recede, the roots of the teeth are exposed to air, bacteria, food and drink. This makes them vulnerable to pain, tooth loss, decay and infection. Having a dental check-up can stop and treat progressive gum recession.
Heavy bleeding of the gums is definitely a reason to have a dental check-up very soon. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.
Shifting teeth
Our teeth have a job to serve us for as long as possible. Therefore, any widening tooth gaps should be a cause for concern. This could be a sign of bone loss or periodontitis. If you feel discomfort and changes in your bite when biting, you should seek dental consultation quite urgently.
Dry mouth
Dry mouth may indicate a developing disease. During a dental check-up, the dentist can examine the patient's mouth and determine the cause of the dryness. Dentist can also suggest some treatments to protect our teeth and restore the right amount of saliva in our mouths.
This is an obvious reason for a visit to the dental surgery. A sudden or recurrent toothache should not be put off. An abscess, removed filling, cavity and damaged teeth can cause a lot of sensitivity and pain. Your dentist can identify the true cause of your toothache and then provide treatment and result in pain relief.
Tooth injuries
Injuries usually result in displaced, cracked or broken teeth. This can also result in bleeding from the gums. Injuries such as these should receive proper dental care. Immediate dental review can determine what surgical or restorative treatment should take place.